Create an Inspiring Spoken Word
Below we have some great examples of spoken word. You can create your own! Start by choosing a theme or topic and start writing. A spoken word can take many forms, as long as the words are spoken.
HERE are some tips on how to write a nature poem. Head outside to get some nature inspiration for your poem. Write about something that you are passionate about. Think about using similes, metaphors, puns, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, rhyme, onomatopoeia, and other poetic devices to make your spoken word interesting and to paint a picture with your words.
Once you have finished your poem, get a group of friends together and perform your spoken word.
A class of Year 3-4 students at Wairakei Primary School were lucky to work with Slam poet, Te Kahu Rolleston. Before he came to their school, they studied his slam poem ‘Rena,’ and then wrote their own slam poem to perform for him. You can listen to “Rena” in the video below.
Teachers: For a great resource from Action Education with guidelines for teaching Spoken Word click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page to download the pdf.