Hands up if you want to make a difference!
Our organisation, like so many, welcomes donations which go directly to assisting Kids Greening Taupō to undertake many environmental education projects in and around the Taupō region. We are a not for profit organisation reliant on the generosity of funders and sponsors to be able to provide our programme free of charge to the community.
Money donated to Kids Greening Taupō is used in support of Kids Greening Taupō’s mission and goals. All contributors can take pride in knowing that their donations have been a vital part in the achievements of Kids Greening Taupō.
Donations of any size are gratefully accepted and a tax-deductible receipt can be issued on request.
What happens to your donation?
Volunteer hours are not enough to complete our projects. Kids Greening Taupō has to raise a lot of money each year to fund our activities.
Donations to Kids Greening Taupō go towards:
Student Leadership Team session expenses
Resources to be used by schools, kindergartens, and youth groups doing restoration work, predator control work, and conservation work. These include plants, traps, tools, gloves and books.
Bringing experts to Taupō to work with students
Events expenses
Teacher professional development sessions
Please be aware that when you follow the link to make a donation, you will be directed to our parent organisation (Project Tongariro) website where the payment gateway facilities are available. Just follow through the online instructions and ‘tick’ Kids Greening Taupo when you are asked which project you would like your donation to go towards.
We utilise Project Tongariro’s online functionality for this and other administrative functions for cost savings and efficiencies.