There are plenty of ways to get involved in Kids Greening Taupō, whether you go to a school that participates in the programme or not.
Participating Schools
Our education providers currently participate in our core programme for three years under a rolling model. This enables our education coordinators to reach as many of these local education providers as possible over time. Once the three years has finished, schools/ECE centres become ‘Graduates’ and can call on us anytime to support work in their restoration area or with environmental education. Core Schools/ECE Centres receive regular visits from our coordinators. Casual and Graduate Schools/Centres can call us to come in anytime we are needed to support their learning.
Every school in Taupō township is now part of our programme and has established or adopted a restoration area on their school grounds or nearby council land. This area is used for learning by their students. Other schools and ECE centres are welcome to join in our events and teacher professional development sessions.
Thanks to generous funding by Waikato Regional Council we can now work with kura and ECE/kōhanga reo in Tūrangi!
Click here to see how we can support your school/class/ECE centre
As part of Taupō EEC (Environmental Education Collaborative), we are happy to work with any local Taupō or Tūrangi schools to assist with planning and implementing Environmental Education. Please contact us to find out how we can help!
Currently involved in our core programme:
Richmond BestStart kindergarten
Tawa St Preschool
Children’s Corner- Lakewood Drive
Te Kohanga Reo O Atawhai
Te Puawaitanga Kohanga Reo
Te Kura o Waitahanui
Kimihia Te kohanga reo
Te Puawaitanga Kohanga Reo
Akina Te Reo
Taupō Family Playcentre
Graduate/Casual education providers:
Laughton Kindergarten
Waipahihi Central Kids
My TreeHut
Abacus BestStart
Northwood kindergarten
Children’s Corner Duncan Street
Country Kidz
Taupō Kids Community
Tauhara Primary
Wairakei Primary
Mountview School
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Whakarewa Ngati Tuwharetoa
Hinemoa Kindergarten
Four Seasons Kindergarten
Hilltop School
St. Patrick's Catholic School
Waipahihi Primary
Taupō Primary
Taupō Intermediate
Tauhara College
Lake Taupō Christian School
Taupō-nui-a-Tia College
Rickit St Playgroup (Casual centre with planting site)
Kiwi Steps ECE Whakamaru (Casual centre with planting site)
Broadlands School (Casual School with planting site)
Reporoa Primary School (Casual School with site being planted in 2024)
Kuratau Primary School (Casual School with planting site)
Tirohanga School (Casual School with planting site)
If your education provider is interested in participating in our core programme, please get in contact with us.
You don’t have to be a student or teacher at one of the participating schools to get involved, there are plenty of ways to participate.
Community Planting Days
Every year we organise a range of community planting days, held between the months of March and October. Everyone is welcome to come along and help us green Taupō.
Whānau Nature Days
In conjunction with the Environmental Education Collaborative, Kids Greening Taupō hosts Whānau Nature Days throughout the year where families learn how to take action for biodiversity in their backyards. Always free of charge, outdoors and hands-on, these days are a great way to meet other like-minded families and learn something new.
Predator Free Taupo
Do you fancy helping us bring back the birds by killing those unwanted pests like rats, stoats and hedgehogs? Anyone can join in the fight simply by setting a backyard rat trap or otherwise, go bigger and help us get your neighbours involved in setting and monitoring a pest trapping line in a nearby green space.
Student Leadership Team
Any Taupō student can apply for a space on the Kids Greening Taupō Student Leadership Team. Through this role, student leaders gain conservation and leadership skills and experience, with the opportunity to lead the programme development of Kids Greening Taupō from a youth perspective. Applications are open annually in January.
Volunteer With Us
There are a number of volunteer opportunities available through Kids Greening Taupō and Greening Taupō. From helping us maintain our restoration project areas to participating in fundraising events throughout the year, to being a nature champion for a local school. Just contact us to discuss how you might contribute to this worthy cause.