Learn about Grubs/Beetles
What is the difference between a grub and a beetle? Well… they look different, maybe they are different species? Not quite, grubs actually turn into beetles! The grub is the larva (baby) form of the adult beetle.
Sourced from: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/assembly/view/183800
Our huge huhu grubs and beetles are pretty awesome. Check out this video by Ruud Kleinpaste.
Overseas beetles can be even bigger! Watch this Hercules beetle go through metamorphosis (change from a grub into a beetle):
Beetles and their grubs are decomposers. They help break down a range of organic materials such as rotting wood, leaf litter and even dung!
Learn about beetles HERE.
Dung beetles come to mind when talking about a beetle’s role in the decomposition of dung. Unfortunately, Aotearoa doesn’t have a native dung beetle. In 2018 dung beetles were introduced to farms in South Wairarapa to combat farm waste.
Learn more HERE.