Go on a Sound Hunt
Aroha knows how fantastic it is to listen carefully when she’s out in nature. Read the beautiful book ‘Aroha Knows’ by Rebekah Lipp and Craig Phillips. Think about the different sounds that Aroha might hear on each page. How would the sounds be different in each of her special places? Then head out in nature and have a go at the activity below.
Head out into nature and listen carefully! What can you hear? Go on a walk and listen carefully for different sounds. It’s amazing what you notice when you really focus on one of your senses.
What bugs could you hear?
What birds could you hear?
What other animals could you hear?
What machines could you hear?
Could you hear people? If so, what were they doing? e.g. laughing, talking, running.
Could you hear any sounds made by the wind?
Could you hear any vehicles, planes or helicopters?
What other sounds could you hear?
Ideas for Challenges:
Write down as many sounds as you can! Who can hear the most?
Make the sounds that you heard into a ‘Sound Scavenger Hunt’ and then give it to a friend to see if they can hear all of the same sounds.
This website has ideas for a unit about sound, books, video links and downloadable sound scavenger hunt:
Print off a sound scavenger hunt from these websites:
Have fun listening carefully to nature!