Bug Sessions

We have added bug sessions to the many other topics that we offer to schools. We want to introduce the tamariki to how exciting and important invertebrates are. We had fun in our first sessions with Taupo Primary School. The 8 junior classes got to hold stick insects, see a beautiful giant centipede, look at what lives in compost, explore inside a decomposing log, and learn about many other amazing critters that are an important part of the environment around us.

Why are bugs important?

There are more insects than any other creatures on the planet. If you weighed all of the insects they would weigh more than 17 times all the people on this planet. Despite this their numbers and variety or diversity are decreasing far quicker than any other species . This decrease is mainly due to loss of the habitat these critters need. Insects have many important jobs like pollination, they also have a role in decomposing and breaking down rotting organic matter like trees. They are a vital source of food for many other creatures. This makes them an essential part of food webs and ecosytems. To find out more about the wonderful world of insects check out some of the resources on our website.

Keen for our education coordinators to visit your school or ECE Centre?

Next term we will do these sessions for the rest of the Taupō Primary School classes and all of the classes at Lake Taupō Christian School. If you’d like us to come to your school or kindergarten and teach about inverebrates, wetlands, native plants, birds, lizards, fungi, or the history of biodiversity in Aotearoa, just give us a call!


Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Resources


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