Taking a magic potion jar on your nature walk adds an element of fun and imagination to a scavenger hunt! This activity has been designed to be fun, but also to be great for wellbeing, growth mindset and mindfulness.

Below, you will find printable Magic Nature Potion scavenger hunt sheets and instructions. The hunt is designed to connect your child with nature, encourage them to look closely, use their senses, and explore the nature around them (introducing vocabulary such as lichen, moss, seeds etc). Here’s an article that will tell you more about why connecting with nature is so good for children’s mental wellbeing, physical health, and academic success .

After collecting the items, your child can mix them while saying 3 things that they are grateful for. Showing gratitude is well known to be very beneficial to our mental health. This nature connector has a great read aloud kids book and more gratitude activities.

Then, stirring in the opposite direction they say three things that they are good at. This helps build self confidence and a positive mindset.

Finally, the potion is tipped out in a special spot and your child decides on a goal to strive for. This builds a growth mindset. It has been shown that writing goals down makes them more likely to be achieved. So, you might like to write down your child’s goal for them, or get them to write it down. This could be kept somewhere special and then buried where the potion was poured when it is achieved!

The nature potion really is magic! Making it is guaranteed to make anyone feel better, by connecting them with nature, using their senses, using imagination, doing physical activity, getting fresh air, showing gratitude, focussing us on positive thoughts, and building a growth mindset. Who would have thought that there were so many benefits to such a fun activity!

Click on this to download/print the pdf.  Print the sheet below for younger children who can’t read the list.

Click on this to download/print the pdf. Print the sheet below for younger children who can’t read the list.

This scavenger sheet has picture prompts for younger children who can’t read the list on the first sheet.  Click on it to download/print the pdf.

This scavenger sheet has picture prompts for younger children who can’t read the list on the first sheet. Click on it to download/print the pdf.

We highly recommend watching this video if you’re making potions with young children. It gives you lots of great ideas and explanations about the skills being developed in preschoolers who do this activity. Who knew there was so much learning involved in an activity that is so fun!

Kim Manunui

Hi, I’m Kim and I work with a great team to help individuals, as well as small and not so small businesses get their message, product and services to the world using digital media and creating wonderful websites that don’t cost the earth.

I was born in Canada, and grew up around Vancouver and the mountains of British Columbia. My love of pristine environments led me to New Zealand and eventually to the mountains, lakes and rivers of the central North Island which is home. My family’s heritage is here, and it’s from here that Korio traverses the planet.

The digital world is never static and neither are we.

And I say ‘we’ because I work with an awesome group of talented people who I gather together as required to complete a project.  Whatever your business, not-for-profit or individual needs are we gather the best team to get the job done.

Collaboratively we are creative, share sustainable values and work hard for great outcomes because that’s the buzz of satisfaction that drives us.

If you have an audience and market to reach, we can make that happen. Creative design, words that work and smart behind the scenes stuff that cuts through the online noise. We’ll design your website and then build it. We’ll manage the content as well as all your hosting needs. We can handle your online advertising so you get noticed,
and we’ll manage your social media presence so you get the clicks, likes and engagement to grow your business. All within the budget you set, because none of this needs to cost the earth.  And the job doesn’t stop when your website goes live. We are your virtual business partner.


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