Mahi Aroha Summer Programme
In January Kids Greening Taupō supported the Mahi Aroha Summer Programme by providing some activities for the kids. We ran story and activity sessions at Taupō Library and Tūrangi Library, reading books about Aotearoa’s special nocturnal animals. We discussed how vulnerable these animals are to the introduced mammalian predators that are also nocturnal and we showed the tamariki the taxidermy pests. After some question and answer time, the children enjoyed doing some craft activities.
Many of the tramps offered in the summer programme are only for older children and adults, so this year we wanted to offer a walk for the younger children. We followed the Kiwi Guardian Adventure Map and did a guided walk around the Waipahihi Botanical Reserve. We talked abut the unique native plants that we saw and we stopped for a bug hunt on the way. It was lots of fun!
We also supported two workshops held at the Taupō Museum by Enviroschools. The tamariki made bug catchers and bug hotels, learning about our special native bugs in the process.