Northwood Kindergarten Projects

The back garden at Northwood Kindergarten was recently cleared and the Tamariki had fun preparing it for planting. They had to sift the soil through their fingers to find the montbretia bulbs, a terrible weed that multiplies rapidly and creates a thick mat that smothers everything. Hopefully, the fun treasure hunt for these bulbs continues, as we don't want them in our planting. Once they were removed we could plant the area in native plants that provide food and habitat for our native birds, bugs, and lizards.

Luckily, First Credit Union was able to donate 50 native plants and St Patrick's Catholic School, Taupo came along to help the kindergarten tamariki plant their special new garden. It was a fun session of tuakana-teina learning and connecting our tamariki with the taiao (environment). Our student leaders were very lucky to be rewarded with a milo and chocolate chip pikelets for their hard work!

The tamariki at Northwood Kindergarten love bug hunting, so wanted to encourage more bugs to live at their centre. They made a pile of rocks and rotten logs and decided to make a sign for it. They sat down with our coordinator, Rachel, and created a sign on Canva. Each of them chose a bug to put in the picture. They discussed font, colours, layout etc. Then Quality Print Ltd made the sign on outdoor signage material for them and the tamariki loved helping screw it to the wall. There was so much learning taking place during these sessions.

Northwood Kindergarten regularly go and explore the Brentwood Gully with our coordinator, Rachel. They help her check the traps and they get involved in the planting projects in there too. Read more about this here.


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